10 sex benefits

1. Exercise. "Sexual activity is the physical form of exercise," according to Dr. expression. Michael Cirigliano, an expert from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Making love three times a week burns 7500 calories in a year,
the equivalent of jogging 75 miles.

2. Heavy Breathing. A night of love can increase the amount of oxygen in cells, helps maintain organ function and layer TISUE to be running smoothly.

3. Strong Bones and Muscles. "Any kind of physical exercise will help increase testosterone," declared Dr. Karen Donahey,
director of Sex and Marital Therapy Program at the University of Chicago. Testosterone is believed to help keep bones and muscles stay strong men.

4. Lowered Cholesterol. Making love regularly can lower cholesterol levels in the body, was in postif also able to reduce the ratio of good cholesterol turns bad.

5. Pain Relief. Sex can lower levels of "arthritic pain, tension in the neck, headache, 'according to Dr. Beverly Whipple, president of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. Hormones released during sexual excitement and orgasm can elevate pain thresholds.

6. DHEA - Without Supplements. DHEA (dehydroepiandroste rone), a popular supplemental hormone, is released naturally during lovemaking. Just before orgasm and ejaculation, DHEA spikes to levels three to five times higher than usual.

7. Prostate Protection. Research prostate trouble may arise or be worsened by fluid buildup within the gland. Regular ejaculation will help wash out those fluids. Be careful if there are sudden changes in frequency, may also cause problems
the prostate.

8. Stress Relief. Making love is also very effective as a way to reduce stress levels, so said Dr.. Karen Donahey. Having sex is a wonderful way to release tension, accompanied by physical and emotional release, form a closeness, and releases endorphins (hormones that reduce pain sensation and emotional disorders).

9. Love Will. Affectionate touch will increase levels of body chemicals, oxytocin - the "bonding hormone." Oxytocin is a substance that a desire that issued the pituitary. Regular oxytocin release may help encourage frequent lovemaking.

10. Natural hormones. "Regular lovemaking can increase estrogen levels in women kelejar, protect the heart and keep the layer of tissue in Ms.. V remain flexible.