Blogwalking to Increase Alexa Rank via Shoutmix Chat

Blogwalking is an activity of blogger to surf from one blog to the other blog, read its content, give comment, ask for link exchange or just leave comment in shout box. Blogwalking is very useful to promote our blog, increase Alexa rank and the most important is to make friendship among bloggers. Some people blogwalking just leave message in shoutbox in hoping the owner visit back to their blog, maybe like me, this is the easiest way instead giving comment on post because we should read the article first, but when we read any article we get something useful and add our knowledge.
There are some service that offer us free chat box or shout box such as Cbox, Shoutmix, Meebome, Oggix, Sbox, and others. The most famous shoutbox or chat box I know is Shoutmix. During blogwalking I found many shoutmix chat widget than other services. As I know that shoutmix is very simple, easy but very interesting. We can customize our chat widget so looks different than others.
To get your shoutmix chat widget just go to official shoutmix website and follow the instruction there. I have owned shoutmix chat widget two months ago. Everyday I blogwalking in order to promote and increase my Alexa rank. My Alexa rank reduce significantly about two months from over #2,509,787 to #105,899, I’m very happy with it.
But after one month since I owned shoutmix chat widget, I had a problem, my shoutmix chat widget couldn’t be loaded in my browser, I was very panic with this, then I tried to find out why this happenned?, finally I got the answer, that my IP address was supposed as post spammer, so shoutmix blocked/banned my IP address.
Why did shoutmix suppose that our IP address as post spammer?. Shoutmix will suppose us as spammer if you post very often in other shoutmix chat with the same post or you use program auto blogwalking or crawler to post messages. Auto blogwalking or crawler will start posting a message with initial shoutmix chat url widget, like mine is then go to other link blog who has posted in that widget to find other shoutmix url.
I was very sad when my IP address get banned/blocked, my browser couldn’t load shoutmix chat widget even worst my blog url also blocked, so I couldn’t leave or post message in other blogs. Eventually, to avoid using my IP address I tried blogwalking with IP proxy and of course it worked, I could load again shoutmix chat widget, you can get IP proxy from, find Anonymous proxy, then set your browser with this proxy.
The last problem one, I still couldn’t leave/post message in other shoutmix chat widget with my blog url, so I tried to find out url redirection like tiny url or short url service but sometime with these url redirection we still cannot post. Finally I tried to make my old blog which hosted in byethost to redirect to this blog with this code in header tag.