The Top 10 Cryptozoology

Cryptozoology is the investigation / research on living creatures known to science yet. Some of them are creatures that have become legends disuatu areas, or "monsters" often mysterious man reportedly seen by the fact of existence but still a big question mark.

Here is a list of 10 most Cryptozoology creatures caught my attention. Cryptozoology creatures chronological list below is based on my own subjective opinion. So when my friends have a list of 10 "monster" which is different from my normal existence.

10. Mongolian Death Worm

olgoi_horkhoiI put ten Diposisi Mongolian Death Worm. Gobi desert monster that has too long been the prey of this Cryptozoologyst earthworms may be similar but with the shape and size of unusual body. According to several people who had seen him directly, he has a body length of about 1 - 1.5 meters with a physical form resembling human large intestine and blood red.

As the name implies, Mongolian Death Worm is said to be the deadly specimens. He can give off toxins and is said to have electric shock that can easily knock down prey or anyone who tried to disturb him. Recorded several expeditions have been done to find the existence of the monster known as asalanya place allghoi khorkhoi this, but all is still far from expectations not being captured seekorpun (let alone arrested, they appear / appeared to the researchers did not).

9. Short People

Short People I enter into the Top 10 things not because they Cryptozoology reportedly blamed a quiet area of Indonesia Kerinci Seblat National Park, but rather the assumption that some Cryptozoologyst said he was part of the "missing link" in our modern humans. Many are speculating that the person is short of the ancient human species Homo floresiensis, a new species of the genus Homo is often called the "Hobbit" and the skeletons discovered in 2003 and the region of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, which still survive today.

They (The Short) reportedly been seen by some local residents. However, they are a closed community of the outside world and never interact with humans. According to reports from some tribes Child Within, Short People are often seen carrying the possibility of such a spear used for hunting.

8. Mothman


What is your mind some United States citizens if we ask about the mysterious creature dubbed Mothman? Mengimajinasikannya as they would build such a creature with a human, was a dark, round eyes and a bright red and has wings like the wings of bats. Mothman, a mysterious creature who has legendary diseantero United States was first reported seen in West Virginia, November 15, 1966. When the two married couples, David and Linda Scarberry and Steve and Mary Mallette, were driving through the former TNT plant during World War II was interested in a pair of round red light was looking towards their vehicle.

After stopping the car, they then tried to get closer kesumber light comes. But immediately they startled, a pair of red dots turned out to be the eyes of a human-boned creature, with dark wings like bats. Without thinking again of course, they rushed to take a thousand steps to immediately leave the premises. Until now, the mothman is still often reveal itself. Some theories say, probably has mothman closely related to practice black magic, some speculate that he is a species of unknown animal science / have not been identified. But many were skeptical and consider as lies.

7. Thunderbird

Name the coolest thing I think to Cryptozoology. The creature is described as a flying creature with a large body size. The first report on the Thunderbird comes from the story of two people who claim the Cowboys have killed a giant bird in the region of Arizona, April 1890. According to them, the form is very strange creature that had no shape like a bird in general. He was too big to be called a bird, its wings like bat wings is said to resemble the face of a crocodile.

Cryptozoologyst United States, Ken Gerhard has a theory that Thunderbird is an ancestor of vulture species which are estimated to live 6000 years ago and still exist today. Many also assume that the Thunderbird is a manifestation of pterosaurs / Pterodactyls, a giant flying reptile that existed in the late Triassic period through the Cretaceous period (220 - 65.5 million years ago). But the assumption that Thunderbird is a very doubtful pterosaurs because he reportedly appeared to have a lot of hair covering her body. This course is very different from the pterosaurs whose skin is formed from smooth membranes completely hairless like a bird.

6. Kraken

Kraken is a giant sea monster that was legendary. Earlier period, he was so feared by ocean explorers for many folk tales that developed at that time mentioned that the Kraken is a sea monster that could easily destroy their ships. So no wonder, which was reported as being the seabed inhabitants of Norway and Iceland waters are often portrayed in ancient maps as the embodiment of a deadly sea monster, and wherever possible avoided when sailing.

Kraken legend may come from the representation of a giant squid that has body length reaches 13-15 meters including the tentacles, tentacles. And it is said in ancient times a giant animals like this are often reported to attack ships at sea.

5. Mokele-mbembe

Remote hinterland of Africa, there was a huge creature that has for so long been a legend of local community. He inhabits a place that became one of the pulse of life for some residents of Africa, Congo River. Yes, disungai Africa's second longest after the Nile is a creature called Mokele-mbembe often rumored to be seen. Mokele-mbembe word comes from the Lingala language meaning something that stops the flow of rivers. According to the story from generation to generation native of the valley of the river Congo, Mokele-mbembe was the personification of the dreaded monster of the river because he was very large and dangerous.

The creature is said to be larger than adult african elephant, has four legs and long neck with small head size. Physical form of the picture reminds us of the kinds of dinosaurs like Brontosaurus Sauropoda, Argentinosaurus, etc.. But that certainly, the physical form of representation will vary greatly. According to Roy Mackal-Cryptozoologyst which had twice led the search expedition in the Mokele-mbembe-Congo river, the possibility of a creature called the Mokele-often is a kind of reptile mbembe, a herbivore with an estimated total body length to reach 9 feet. National Geographic himself had held a short expedition in May 2006 for his television series Dangerous Encounters. But unfortunately creature named Mokele-mbembe seemed too shy to enshrined into the camera, so the expedition ended with none of the mysterious creature found.

4. Champ


From the interior of Africa, I invite my friends across the Atlantic to come back to North America. Our goal this time is diperbatasan lake kesebuah United States - Canada which also has a story to the legendary lake monster, Lake Champlain name. At 201 km long lake is said to dwell a lake monster which is often referred to as the Champ. Ditahun 1977, a tourist named Sandra Mansi was suddenly famous for its success capturing the legendary monster figures that have been reported to exist since the 19th century was. From the results of analysis carried out by several experts photographic images that have been taken Sandra, revealed that the image is not engineering. Images that really capture the giant creature that is appear on the surface of the lake.

Some people believe that Champ is probably the figure of a Plesiosaur early, although there are some opinions that say he is a kind of mammal, may be the ancestors of Beluga whales. Lake Champlain is formed at the end of the ice age 10,000 years ago was always meyimpan secret meetings Champ from time to time. Recorded more than 300 reports of sightings Champ, but it is actually the identity of the monster figure is still a big question mark.

3. Bigfoot / Sasquatch

Bigfoot is described as being bipedal (walking on two legs), a big tall (height is estimated to 1.5 - 3 meters) with the hair that grows thick disekujur body. He said almost resembles a gorilla but walked upright like modern humans. The creature that reportedly inhabit the forests of the Pacific Northwest region, North America is so famous, not only the United States in the region but throughout the world. Even in some other areas, there are legends about creatures like Bigfoot. Name the Yeti in Tibet, Hibagon in Japan, until the Yowie in Australia.

A controversial video that had captured the figure of Bigfoot is clearly coming from the two hunters Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin a colleague in 1967. Patterson and Gimlin record these strange creatures Bluff Creek region, Northern California when they hunt. Although many doubt its authenticity, but the video is what makes many people more interested in the figure of Bigfoot.


So far there are several explanations offered to reveal the identity of the creature is often called Bigfoot. Some researchers say that Bigfoot was born most likely as a result of the identification of a specimen. Maybe they were just a bear who was lifted up its front legs so he looked like he was standing. Grover Krantz, Bigfoot researcher one who was so enthusiastic, boldly speculating that Bigfoot is Gigantopithecus blacki species-a species of large apes from Genus Gigantopithecus (Subfamily Ponginae) - which survived the extinction 300,000 years ago. But according to a leading Cryptozoologyst, Loren Coleman, nearly 80% of Bigfoot sightings have been reported to the engineering. That's evident from the many sightings and photographs footprints purely artificial / engineered by some people with a specific purpose.

2. Chupacabra

My second Diposition put a chupacabra. Mysterious creature that comes from two words in Spanish that "Chupar" which means suction / sucking and "Cabra" which means goat is a manifestation of a creature that was so scary. In addition to its physical form is described like a wolf with a kind of "thorn" that grows in line alongside his spine, chupacabra is a blood sucking creature, especially the blood of farm animals like goats. He frequently reported killed several farm animals at night, and then suck their blood without eating meat at all its victims.

Chupacabra so famous in the region of North and Central America, and several Latin American region. In 1995, a chupacabra is said to have killed eight ewes overnight in an area in Puerto Rico. This is a preliminary report on a successful chupacabra attacks documented.


Most people describe the chupacabra as higher beings with between 1 - 1.2 meters, not mammals but reptiles similar in style to stand and jump like a kangaroo. Many say the assumption that he was probably a kind of wild dogs. Opinions are brave enough to say that the chupacabra is a creature of genetic engineering from a U.S. research institute who escaped from quarantine laboratory Yungue El diskitar region, Puerto Rico ravaged by hurricane hack ditahun 1990'an. In addition, there are unisex which chupacabra mengkait associated with the existence of intelligent creatures of outer space and the UFO phenomenon.

1. Loch Ness Monster


rrive at the monster that tops the list of list of 10 things I Cryptozoology version. Loch Ness Monster or Nessie is familiarly called. I first learned about this monster of Doraemon comics I read as a child. Starting from where I got interested in the world because Cryptozoolgy indirectly Nessie has introduced me to this branch of science. So this is a manifestation of my gratitude to Nessie, namely by putting in the first rank.

Nessie, the monster of the lake dwellers Loch Ness, Scotland is so legendary diseantero world. Even its existence has been reported since the 7th century. Dozens of expeditions have been conducted, and had directed hundreds of sonar kedanau Loch Ness to detect the existence of Nessie, but everything seemed in vain. Nessie too shy. He might just dare to show himself while certain times only.

Some reports and evidence in the form of images collected from several witnesses shows that the lake monster Loch Ness spirits have characteristics that differ markedly from Mokele-mbembe. He also was a big, long-necked with a small head size. But unlike the Mokele-mbembe Sauropoda described as a dinosaur, Nessie is more often incorporated into the Plesiosaur family.

one of the successful image capture controversial figure is the image that Nessie is often referred to as the Surgeon's Photograph. In this photo taken in 1934 is seen silhouette of a long-necked creature walking along the lake Loch Ness at a time when the early evening. But in the sequel, these photos proved to be engineered.

In the year 2007 and, again controversial video circulating on the figure of Nessie taken by a tourist named Gordon Holmes. In the video clearly visible image of a creature that is estimated to have a body length of about 14 meters were swimming along the lake with a quick motion. Silhouette can be clearly seen from the surface of the lake. Could it Nessie? friends please watch his video and his own analysis.

Several explanations are offered the possibility of the phenomenon say that Nessie is a mistake identification of an organism or a common natural phenomenon. In 1979, biologist Dennis Power said that the figure seen in the Surgeon's Photograph is an elephant who was swimming, where the head and his body sank into the water and it can only be seen towering trunk upwards. Elephant's trunk which rises above that gave the impression as if the shape of the neck and the head watchman lake creature known as Nessie.

Another theory says the figure is called Nessie is just a big wooden bar at the bottom of the lake expands. This timber may be initially based on the lake sank, but any time he can come back protruding surface water. This impression as if to show the emergence of a monster from the bottom of the lake.